Saturday, March 28, 2009


You dream. You spin your fancies. How many will be spoiled, I wonder? How many robbed of their luster?

Dreams like drops of rose. Fancies spun in rainbow colours. Like the gossamer wings of butterflies. Colourful, ephemeral, fragile. It's so easy to destroy someone's dreams, to kill it in fledgling stage, to nip it in the bud. Teenagers and above are more resistant to this kind of murder but what about children? So many times, some well meaning person, who has forgotten their own childhood, who genuinely wishes that those dear children be not deceive, ends up killing a bit of their dreams. Dreams like drops of rose. Fancies spun in rainbow colours. Like the gossamer wings of butterflies. Colourful, ephemeral, fragile.

Someone should mark them. Put a warning label. Because well meaning people kill dreams. Sometimes we forget that others are humans like us, we do things to people that we won't want to do to ourselves. We not only destroy dreams, we destroy self esteem, we destroy lives; all with our tongue.

You dream. You spin your fancies. Some will be fulfilled, others will die. Your fancies of elves and fairies. Of worlds filled with sunshine and rainbows. Of adventure and excitement might not come true, but you don't regret. Life would be too empty without any dreams. So you continue to spin and turn your world into a realm of beauty.

PS: Jesus loves you. Did you know? That at least is not a dream. So smile!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Random Musing on: Loss

Loss. Ever occurred to you? Ever felt that strange melancholy feeling when something is lost? Why, I wonder? Why does it feel so when we've lost? Why do we feel extra happy when we've somehow got it back? Why do we not know until we've lost it, then we feel the regret, why?

It's true isn't it? We never really notice until its gone. Yes, gone, lost to us. We take things, people, everything for granted. We even take oxygen for granted! Until, until we're out of breath, to the point of suffocation. Yes, we notice it then, notice how important it is to us, how we literally cannot live without it.

They say you never really miss the water until it's gone, and by then, it's too late. We're foolish like that. Never knowing, never noticing, until its too late. Too late to change anything no matter how much we want to. The water has gone, it's beyond our reach, it is not the same anymore because technically the water isn't the same anymore. Confusing isn't it? Water is still water, you say, no matter how it flows. Ah, flow......yes...............that's the key word. Water flows, it's never in the same place. Take it this way, that drop of H2o that just passed you has really passed you and is flowing into the sea. Notice drop, it never stays the same.

Time, we treat it the same. We waste it, we don't know until its gone. Air, water, the earth beneath our feet, yes, we forget them until we lose them. People, oh, we are guilty of taking them for granted. Yes, I plead guilty too. I plead guilty to ignoring people, not appreciating them, thinking they will always be there. When really, it's not true. They won't be there forever. They will move, miles and miles away, or I will move. There are many ways to be separated.

I would love to regret, but of what use is it? Regret, regret because of loss. How it hurts. Yes, it hurts. We have it, we lose it, we regret it's lost. Sometimes it never comes back. Sometimes it does.

We lose many things. We suffer, yes that is the right word, from lost. We suffer. Yet, there is still hope. Appreciation, yes, we can show appreciation. Not say it, show it. After all, actions speak louder than words.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Birthday Post!!! birthday.......... I'm officially a year older and I'm........speechless. I guess I'm still in shock........................................

It's 11 pm and according to my mom I was one loud baby but I didn't cry until I really had to, the nurses were so relieved. I was very red. I was a big baby but not as big as my brother who came a year later.

I finally talked to my best friend from primary. We didn't fight or anything, just that life's so busy that we didn't really have time. likes to fly doesn't it? We always don't have enough time. Those facing exams don't have enough time to study. There is no time to do this, to do that and before you know it, poof, it's your birthday, you are older and you find there are many things you planned to do but didn't and now......time won't turn back, you know very well. Don't put off any longer, you'll end up feeling regret on your birthday, like me. It's not nice. So make use of your time. Mine is going to pass at the stroke of 12 and it'll be someone else's birthday somewhere out there. Treasure the time counting down to yours.

I really should go to bed. I know that the baby me from long ago has just finish feeding and is now sleeping. Just like what I should be doing now. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! To all those born on March 11!!!!!!!!!