Monday, February 14, 2011

Damn...... this is considered picking a fight right? Eep!

Oh dear, its been almost two months hasn't it? But school started and I procrastinated even though I've had computer access all along. Looks like I got off a kick.

The only reason I'm writing now is because Mi-chan asked nicely, and because I'm dreadfully flattered by her latest blog post. *blush* Mi-chan, I enjoy bickering with you too. If I can't bicker with someone, my sarcastic personality couldn't shine through and where would be the fun in that? Yeah, I antagonize people in real life, especially guys, because I'm dreadfully out of practice with interacting with the male gender, but that's another story for another day.

Writing this, I find that I have many things to say, indeed there were many things I planned to write, but now...... I can't decide what to write first! Uh....... the questions thing on Mi-chan's blog (yes, I know you were enjoying yourself mocking us, I'm not gonna kill you for this) Well, let me pretend I"m Dr Laura and answer him:

I am not entirely certain on what religion you profess to follow but do find your nearest bible based church and get the BASIC theology straightened out. It saddens me to see someone who says they follow Jesus and yet completely dismiss his sacrifice. He came to fulfill the law and when something is fulfilled it means it is DONE. May God bless you and may you find the answers you seek.

And.....that......was a completely unacceptable answer. I could get killed or a lawsuit at the very least for that kind of answer. Thankfully, person in question didn't ask me or I'd have bitch-slapped him into the next century. At least there will be no words that can be used against me. 

What I find appalling is the laws that nobody (possibly) follows but he apparently does. Get with the times! Some laws were written as safeguard because peoples hearts are crooked. If following the customs of that time, the results will be outright inhumane! Oh, and for another thing, the sacrifice has been abolished, because Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice. 

Ugghhh..... I'm beginning to suspect the questioner follows some other religion which he has mistaken for Christianity. If thats the case then he is perfectly justified for asking questions most Christians would facepalm at. Sigh..........I'm sure someone will accept him and his beliefs. Its a free world, there are all sorts of things you can believe in.

Wait a sec...... I shouldn't be caring so much! Must get restraining order against idiot brain.

Now I think I've stepped on enough sensitivities and I really should stop here. Comments button is down there. Just don't let anything escalate into cyber-bullying. Its fine to say your opinion, just don't stoop down to hurling insults. What do you want to prove? You're as unable to accept opinions as someone else? Eep! Better shut up pronto. Idon'twannadieIdon'twannadieIdon'twannadie...........