Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Narcissism to the max!

When out to celebrate my birthday with a group of friends today. Actually, my birthday was last Friday and I really spent it with one of my best friends at an eatery. We blew about RM6 on lunch and had a quiet peaceful afternoon before heading to tuition. A luxury because we get RM10 a week. Then I had dinner with my family, threw a hissy fit and...... all things considering it was ok.

So one of us was late, one of us had to wait for her. The three of us left behind were worried throughout the whole movie but lunch was fun at least. We watched I Am Number Four and Mi-chan and I were commenting and predicting where the story was going. With Tvtropes, it wasn't much of a strain. Still, a good movie to shut your brain down too and just let yourself be entertained. I would have wanted to watch The King's Speech but its not showing in Ipoh and its 18+. Bummer. I downloaded it because I couldn't get my hands on it, but if the real dvd is going to be sold here, I'll be in the line.

Lunch was insane. Full stop. The topics were random, like we were determined to screw up each others minds. Mi-chan tellling 2 of them about Black Swan (they forced her to) made me choke on my food. I think I'm going to have nightmares just listening about it. Karaoke after that was even worse. The volume was so loud and ugghhh the Lady Gaga songs one of my friends insisted on singing were nightmare fuel, because she insisted on screaming it. It was entertaining but..... I don't want a repeat performance. So me and Ju-chan retaliated by singing Korean songs that none of them knew.

I had fun, I really did. Most insane day ever! The heck though, I love each and everyone of that crazy bunch. Everyone needs insane friends. Yeah, I'm probably the craziest of them all. Or at least one of the most eccentric.

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