Saturday, February 14, 2009

Time oh time

As a child, time seemed endless. Tomorrow seemed to take forever to come. Yet all of a sudden, time flows with a speed that chills! Why wasn't it only yesterday.......oh no I sound like I have million's of yesterdays behind me and few tomorrows!! What changed? Is it time or is it me? Is it both or is everything a dream? I want to know. Is it just time flowing, flowing like an endless river, bringing us, it's hapless passengers on fast-paced journey that only a second ago seemed so slow? Is it that my view of time has changed, since now I have so much to do and there never seems to be enough time in a day. Why, I wonder, why? I might know the answer sooner......or later.........
I wonder what life will bring, what time will throw at me since now it is gaining speed. Where would I be in a few years time? Will I see the fruition of the dreams and hope and ambitions blossoming slowly in my heart? Will they stand the first signs of frost? What would I be in ten years? Ten years, oh how long they seem but cheeky time will make sure they feel like a blink of the eye.
Time oh time, why the rush? Why try to drown me in the speed of growing older? I want to stay for a while, to savor life. Time oh time, why can't you wait for me?

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