Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ara? I'm writing again?

I think I might be a contender for "World Champion for Procrastination". Notice the reeaaallllyyyy long interval between blog posts. Sigh, me and schedules just can't mix it seems, such a pity.

Though I'm pretty sure no one looks here anymore, I felt like writing, for nostalgia's sake. I've not been writing lately. It's 1/2 parts laziness, no ideas and pondering on self censorship. Should we practice self censorship on the things we post online? Does "Freedom of Speech" have a limit? I really have no idea.

On one hand, it's quite a relief to just rant and give your opinion. On the other hand, what you write might just come back to bite you in the arse. I know how words can be twisted, I've seen how dangerous it is. Your very life could depend on the immature words of your youth. When people want to get rid of you, anything goes. And if they have a good lawyer, kiss yourself goodbye!

So where are the boundaries? What can you write? According to government propaganda (Moral class, it serves no other purpose), freedom of speech means: no discussing "sensitive issues" e.g. race, religion, government policy, corruption etc. What in the world do we talk about?! I think people want to discuss such things and besides its in human nature to break laws. Not to mention, people like airing their views regardless of who is listening.

So what is "Freedom of Speech"? Must we check ourselves for writing "sensitive" topics? Isn't everyone biased at heart? And is there any truth in the old sayings telling you to think before you speak?

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