Monday, December 13, 2010

I like stuff others don't know/don't like

This makes me totally frustrated because there is no fan material on the pairings or characters I like! I can't write them by myself, I often don't have any ideas and I prefer reading about them, discovering new insights on them through someone else's eyes but damn it because my pairings/characters are obscure/rarely known/unloved/side characters!!!!! They get no love. Except NejiXHinata, I'm so glad that Japan doesn't mind cousin marriages.

Now before anybody accuses me of being a sicko (all you yaoi fangirls out there are sickos in someone else's eyes too), might I add that in my culture its perfectly alright to marry cousins. Yes, even your father's brother's children. Yes, there are people who do marry their cousins. As a result, I really have no qualms about this, so it amuses me to see comments like "Incest! Eww......" and "Won't they have mutated babies?". It doesn't amuse me to see comments like "Neji and Hinata wouldn't do that! Neji belongs to Tenten and Hinata to Naruto/anyone else! You should go to hell for writing this!!!!!"

In a fandom as big as Naruto's, you kiddies should learn to respect others preferences and just plain don't read a fic that doesn't agree with you. The right to not read is a basic readers right. Besides, the sooner you learn tolerance without compromising your own beliefs the sooner you will be on your way to a decent adult.  To make it clear, I don't mean that you condone it and sacrifice your beliefs. Everyone has their own beliefs and opinions and if you respect that people are more likely to respect yours. Yeah I'm a digressing hypocrite but this is only a suggestion. You don't have to take it.

It seems like my tendency for obscurity is going into manga. For instance has anyone seen this:
I really want it but I can't seem to find the official Malay translation anymore. The truth is I really want to see the 2nd story, That Sweet Organ Song, again. I borrowed it from a friend a long time ago and the story was so good that it stuck in my mind. So I want it! And I will buy it, even if my miser image cracks a bit.

That Sweet Organ Song  is a period piece set in the 1920s between a the son of a rich merchant, Shotaro and a girl who works in a bookstore, Setsu. Setsu wants to be a teacher, despite the fact that poverty has stopped her from continuing her education and Shotaro wants to be a composer, even if he is the only heir to his father's business. The story builds up their relationship nicely and the bittersweet ending caught me by surprise! I really thought it would be one of those "love conquers all stories" where the protagonists will be poor but happy and everyone lives happily ever after. Not a chance. Which is why I love it so, because the ending makes it so memorable. When Setsu, now an old woman, hears Shotaro's song being played on tv, I was so touched. She got her wish to be a witness when Shotaro's song was passed on to the future generation!

Gah, the bloody problem is that very few people have read it and I can find little to no information on it! Nobody can tell me where I can buy it in my area and nobody writes their opinion on it either, something I like to read too. Sigh, my poor under-appreciated interests.  

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