Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why do I do this to myself?!

Oh crap, history just makes you tear up, when done properly. To comfort myself for having missed the movie and having to go to school soon, I dabbled in the world of Hetalia. Let's just say there are things I have to remember from now on about Hetalia fanworks.

  1. Don't go looking for Lithuania/Belarus stuff
  2. I will feel despair from the small amount of fanwork available
  3. And if I do manage to find it, I am going to feel really bad for Lithuania
  4. Belarus will make me feel bad for her too, because she is too damn obsessed with Russia
  5. Refrain from reading "America's cleaning of the storeroom" strip too much
  6. Or watching that particular clip on youtube
  7. Because I will start tearing up
  8. Even if its just the dub
  9. Don't read anything that has to do with the dissolution of Prussia
  10. Hetalia will cause me to be unreasonably attached to his awesomeness
  11. And I will start bawling
  12. Which means I must not read "Choking" and "20 Photographs"
  13. Or watch the "CROSS" video on youtube
  14. Because tears will fall
  15. Keep a box of Kleenex within reach if I insist on torturing myself
  16. I must keep a box of Kleenex within reach

I guess I'll just stick to the webcomic and the anime episodes. They're usually funny enough and a great thing to relax with. As long as I stay away from the rare sad strips *cough Bloody Sunday *cough. It amazes me actually, how every country can inspire such darker and edgier work. I guess there is just no country in the world who has completely no blood on their hands. Ack! No reading Zikaron, I'll have to remember that too. Even if its just so good, and chilling...... Why do I do this to myself?!?!

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